"For me, everything is collage."
Artist Ophelia Arc on the innate desire to create.
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Great artists make artists. And to prove that point, over 70 of today's greatest have contributed their work in support of Children's Museum of the Arts' Emergency Arts Education Fund, establishing utterly ambitious art programs in New York City schools that need them most.
Bidding for the online auction concludes Thursday, October 19 at 12 PM EDT. Bid now. Bid often. Bid here.
Below, meet auction artist Ophelia Arc.
Ophelia with her third grade art teacher
Do you have a favorite memory of making art as a child?
As a child I loved making collages. These moments of connecting different parts of photographs and magazines together felt like my own form of world building and creating some semblance of sense in my life. Today I see my art practice deriving from this same place but now transformed into a textile form. For me, everything is collage.
What advice would you give to young artists who wish to pursue an art practice?
Create, just make and make and make. I feel we all have this innate desire to create. It flows so effortlessly at first and as we grow older we begin to become self conscious of this urge. I’d tell young artists to not listen to that critic that makes its home within us.
When did you first know you were going to be an artist?
I didn’t get into art until I started my freshman year at college. I didn’t think it was an option, but then I realized I can do whatever I want. Having moved away at 17 and being removed from my family, I realized there was no one that had any say in my choices, no one to tell me to stop, so I didn’t – I just kept taking my work further.
Ophelia ArcÂ
Mother shaped space, child shaped woundÂ
thread and silicone on frame