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Artists in Schools
Animal Portraits at PS 46Q
Dispatches from CMA Artist Instructor Emma Waldman's second grade class at PS 46Q.
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PS 46Q in Bayside, Queens buzzed with excitement as CMA Artist Instructor Emma Waldman wrapped up her five-week fine arts program for second graders!

For their final project, students painted canvases using various marks and patterns that they learned throughout the weeks. They chose to depict their favorite animals, including owls, cats, and giant lizards!

They loved experimenting with paints and learning more about themselves (and others!) through art.

One student declared “Can we keep having the class?” which is a wonderful testament to the program!

It’s spring in New York City, which means CMA’s Artist Instructors are hard at work in public schools across the boroughs teaching fine arts and stop-motion animation to students who lack access to the arts otherwise. Learn how you can support these programs by donating to CMA’s Emergency Arts Education Fund.
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