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Artists in Schools
Warm and Cool Colors
Dispatches from CMA Resident Artist Niousha Kiarashi's elementary school class at Sid Miller Academy.
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In Crown Heights, Brooklyn, CMA Resident Artist Niousha Kiarashi introduced her students at Sid Miller Academy to warm and cool colors.

As a District 75 school serving students with disabilities, Niosha’s lessons are uniquely crafted for multisensory and tactile artmaking experiences.

Students especially loved painting their hands to create handprints, taking turns tickling the palm of each other’s hand with the paintbrush.

Niousha reflected,
“One student has a powerful sensory understanding of his surroundings. He grabbed my hand and twisted it around his neck so I could help him hold the pencil better to draw inside the line. It was a beautiful moment that I won’t forget.”

Niousha’s work at Sid Miller Academy is supported by the Emergency Arts Education Fund, which provides free arts education to NYC school communities whose art programs have been decimated by recent budget cuts.
Children’s Museum of the Arts’ three Residents Artists are currently implementing ambitious arts curriculum at each of our partner sites throughout New York City: Hudson Guild in Chelsea, Sid Miller Academy in Crown Heights, and Children’s Workshop School in the East Village. Come spring, our residents will showcase their students' work through exhibitions and installations across the city. Learn how you can support the work of our residents here.
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